четверг, 19 января 2012 г.

Influential Persons

Please watch all six parts of the video. How did Einstein influence the world history? What other influential personalities can you name? What was their input? Share your ideas and links supporting them!

10 комментариев:

  1. It was really interesting and informative film. Some facts I didn’t know before. I think that Albert Einstein made a big input in the history of the whole mankind. We wouldn’t have so many things as we have now without his theories and researches. Because everything on our planet exists due to the Special relativity and the concept of the mass–energy equivalence .
    I don’t know why but the first men whom I reminded were Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Sergey Korolyov . Tsiolkovsky was one of Soviet rocket scientists and the pioneer of the astronautic theory, and Korolyov was the lead Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer in the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union. So if they didn’t make rockets and launch the first human to the space, we wouldn’t know about Yuri Gagarin now.
    Also I will keep in my mind the words of Einstein: "Politics is for the moment, equation for the eternity." I think everyone should reflect about it.

  2. Einstenin’s equation (E=mc2) is an equation of both creation and distruction. I would also divide this film into two parts.

    First part of the film shows that Einstein’s scientific deductions helped to create an atomic bomb. After Einstein’s letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt America has started working on the bomb in time to have a bomb before the end of World War II. And the Allies of World War II conducted two atomic bombings against the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.
    The second part shows that E=mc2 explains the story of Universe. The big bang theory is based on Einstein’s equation. Einstein’s equation also explains what is powering the sun. In the end, thanks to Einstein’s equation people are now able to generate electricity from the sun.

    And I cannot but name Werner Heisenberg (The Nobel prize science winner for the foundations Quantum mechanics. He is one of those scientists thanks to whom we have computers now.), Charles Darwin (He created the theory of Evolution.), William Shakespeare (Besides being the greatest play writer in the English language he also introduced more than 1,700 new words to the English Language.) among those historical figures who changed the world history.


    Yana Antonova, 311

  3. Oh,the film is really great! Thank You very much! I learned more information about Einstein's equation of Life and Death.He is a really great man, who created his equation,that influenced on the whole world. I supposed, he didn't know, that his equation would have such awful consequences.He just want to create something new,useful; something that change the world for the better!

    But,as he mentioned,he made a great mistake by writing the letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt. From this moment his equation started to work for the distraction. Because with the help og equation German authority decided create the atomic nuclear bomb and use them against Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These days were really rainy days not only for Japan, but for the whole world!

    Also in that film we see many physical and chemical processies. Einstein's equation became the great step to his theory of relativity and specifically mass–energy equivalence. And this fact said absolutely about the Einsteins greatness and the usefulness of his equation.

    There are so many influential personalities, who made a contribution in the development and the world history. I tried to call some of them,whose inputs became the most important. Although,I have no right to do this, because each of them had their own individuality and their inputs can't be сompared with each other!

    So,they are :Charles Darwin,Pablo Picasso,Isaac Newton,
    Confucius,Aristotle,Augustus Caesar,Nicolaus Copernicus,Martin Luther,Napoleon Bonaparte, Ludwig van Beethoven,Michelangelo,Julius Caesar,Christopher Columbus,Queen Elizabeth I,Coco Chanel,Mother Teresa, Bill Gates,Henry Ford,Mohandas Gandhi,Marie Curie and many many other great people,who madу our wotld so wonderful and harmonious! We must be grateful to them for their invaluable contributions. For our part, we must only save,develop and increase them!!!

    Emirova F. 312

  4. Einstein discovered one of the nature's primary mysteries. His E=mc² triggered the chain reaction that lead to creation of nuclear weapon. But he was the scientist, not the politician. And he couldn't have predicted the way things turned out. Into bad hands knowledge is dangerous. To the contrary, the medal has two sides. Now we know how the Universe was created. The other names that came to my mind in connection with science and fate of mankind are Stephen Hawking and Nikola Tesla. Hawking, British theoretical physicist and cosmologist, worked in the field of Big Bang, black holes and information. His famous book ‘A Brief History of Time’ popularizes science. And engineer Tesla made revolutionary developments in the field of electromagnetism. He obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions. So, the input of these individuals is significant for each of us.

  5. I think there could not have been any other first reaction to his discovery. The first wave, as we may call it, was to use it for creation of the atomic bomb, and that was natural. People, when they find something new, at first they try to use it for themselves, and only after that they start to think what this discovery can mean for nature, for the universe etc.
    Is Einstein at fault for the creation of the atomic weapon? In my opinion, this question is wrong. It is the same as to ask "Is nature at fault for the creation of the atomic bomb?"
    Einstein is one of the greatest minds of all times. His contribution to the science is enourmous.
    Besides the Big Ben theory some new descoveries come to my mind. For example, scientists have proved that our reality is not the only one. There are hundreds and thousands of them. Every time something significant happens, there appears another reality.
    Or lately scientists have found a planet that may serve us as home in the future.

  6. I think it is really great man. He created a great equation which influenced on the whole world. I think he made a great mistake when writing the letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt.Because with the help of this equation German authority decided create the atomic nuclear bomb and use them against Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It a big tragedy.

  7. When I hear Einstein, I think “greatest and most famous genius and scientist to ever live. In the way that Beethoven and Mozart are regarded as untouchable in interpreting life through the art of music, Einstein's influence on the the world is immortalized in our history, science and culture.
    Einstein was one of the greatest of all physicists and his name has become a symbol of genius. When his most famous work, the General Theory Of Relativity was proven, Einstein became the most celebrated scientist in the world and he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. Einstein was a firm believer in pacifism but his scientific theories helped the USA, to develop the atomic bomb. A week before he died Einstein wrote to Bertrand Russell, a British Philosopher and leading antinuclear campaigner, asking to put his name to a manifesto urging all countries to give up their nuclear weapons.
    Ther are many other famous people and I try to tell something about some of them.
    The first I want to mention is Bill Gates. He created his first computer program while still at high school, co-founded Microsoft in 1977, and was the richest man on Earth. In 2000 Gates and his wife formed the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, which is the largest charity in the world.
    Karl Marx's ideas on economic history and sociology changed the world. Marx was a social philosopher who attacked the state and predicted a future in which everyone was equal. He explained his theories in the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. His ideas eventually led to the Russian Revolution and communism.
    Christopher Columbus is one of the most famous of all explorers. He believed he could reach Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean and in 1492 he set sail in the Santa Maria to prove his theory. Instead, he landed on the islandsnow known as the West Indies. His discoveries led to the European explorations and settlement of the Americas.

  8. Elbert Einstein was really influential person of 20th century. His famous equation E=mc2 chamged scientific and political world. According to this formula mass can be converted into energy. Even tiny amound of mass can produse devastating among of energy.
    Einstein wrote to Rusevelt a secret letter. He warned that the nazis could use an application of his equation to constract an atomic bomb. The source of the energy in the atonic bomb is a chain nuclear reaction in the uranum atoms. Such energy could destroy a big teritories. A big power could be concentrated in naziz hands.
    Later theory turned into practic. Atomic bomb was constracted by the Americans. The devastating power of it was directed against Japan. Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been destroied by the Americans in 1945. Einstein was overwhelmed by the fact that his letter and his equation were the reason of that tragical event. He died with the thought thet his formula - is the formula of death and destruction.
    But also this equation is the equation of creation. Scientists think than energy can be converted into mass. A lot years before a singularity of energy created a big bang. After it happends our Univerce have been forming untill now.
    Scientific discovery of Einstein change the picture of modern science. It spread our horizonts in understanding the creations of our world. E=mc2 - is like the coin which has 2 sides - creation and devastation.

  9. Very informative film. I didn’t now such facts about Elbert Einstein earlier. He was on of the greatest physic in the world and after he had made an anatomic bomb, he changed the world history. He didn’t want to injure humanity; he just wanted to help people. His discovery radically changed the established situation in the world. And now we all live and don’t think about the fact than one pressing a key may destroys our nation or may be planet. From this film I knew, that it is unknowing who first created atomic bomb – German scientists or Einstein. Of course it doesn’t mater. Important is that who set off the first nuclear explosion. And it was the USA – they used it against Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A great tragedy and a good example of the mane’s foolishness and power.
    The other influential personalities were: Alexander II of Russia who made The Emancipation Reform of 1861 in Russia; Peter I, who opened a window to Europe; Napoleon Bonaparte who started the First World War; Adolf Hitler; Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin; etc…….All of them were greatest people and all of them changed the world.

  10. Einstein became a synonym for genius. His theory of relativity has helped humanity closer to the knowledge of the universe. Letter from Einstein to Roosevelt was a necessary and may have led to the creation of the most terrible weapon in the history - the atomic bomb. But if he had not done it? I think the Germans would not stop and continued attempts to create the same weapon. And Hitler, with his distorted faith in superior race would have destroyed us. Watching this video I remembered of Andrei Sakharov. If you ask the youth of today about Einstein, Every person will answer who it was and what he did, but not all person remembered of the Sakharov. He is one of the main founders of the hydrogen bomb. Yes of course it is like almost all scientists he did not know what can happen. But he later did his best to ban nuclear testing. In 1975 he wrote a book "about the country and the world." That same year, Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In fact, for what he was against his own creation. This in my opinion a very brave act, and that for this and it cost to Nobel Prize.
