понедельник, 23 сентября 2013 г.

Famous Lawyers: PR-22 home assignment

Dear students,
please share some information about a famous lawyer (about 150 words) and write how she or he may influence your own professional career in the future. Be specific!

You can check this site for more names and ideas!

20 комментариев:

  1. I have read an article about Thomas More, an English philosopher of the 14th century. He was a very talented lawyer.
    Born in Milk Street in London, on 7 February 1478, Thomas More was the son of Sir John More, a successful lawyer and later judge . More was educated at St Anthony's School, then considered one of London's finest schools. From 1490 to 1492, More served John Morton, the Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor of England.
    More's best known and most controversial work, Utopia is a novel written in Latin, written in 1516.
    In his work " Utopia" he created an idial society where all people were equal under the law and they were happy to live in it.
    "Utopia" made a great impact an me. I also dream to make a contribution to create a law under which people's lives were absolutely safe and comfortable.
    I respect Thomas More's idial and hope to make them come true.
    PR-22 Koval Kirill

  2. Everyone lives to bring into this life something of my own. Each of us develops his talents and finds his calling. All of the views that people here have made significant was applied to the development of mankind.
    I often admire people, their intelligence, talent, strength that they possess. One of the greatest men is Abraham Lincoln , his persona is known around the world and is of no small importance. Lincoln not so much as the self-made man or the great war president, but as the advocate of the common man who doubtless would have supported the welfare state. Lincoln was a spokesman for business interests, favoring high tariffs, banks, internal improvements, and railroads in opposition to the agrarian Democrats.
    He was a good politician and a lawyer, and his methods may have been somewhere harsh and cruel but he believed that this will improve the specific situation in the country. As a future lawyer, I do not want to imitate anyone, but simply to act and have their purpose. Also in that time, I was convinced that no matter your origin and place of birth, and most importantly your bright mind.
    PR- 22 Lilia Sidelnikova

  3. Guy - prominent Roman lawyer and systematics of ancient Rome, who lived in the second century. Today it is impossible to find even a full name, except Guy.
    The main difficulty was Guy "Institutions" to the fifth century, were not popular, but after Guy was included in the top five lawyers, together with Papinianom, Ulpianom, Paul Modestinus. Works by five lawyers were sources of Roman law.
    Institutions Guy written about the year 161 and were divided into four books.
    The first part addresses the issue of people of different social statuses and how they should behave within the law.
    The second book deals with the rights and methods of acquisitions, including the law relating to wills.
    The third part explores the problems that could arise if there is no will.
    The fourth paper studies the practice of various forms of action.
    Guy's contribution to the development of the law was very large. Because of his work and today are the sources of Roman law. In their institutions he considered important questions about the legacy. His ideas are relevant today. I think that Guy was a good lawyer. And I consider that for the second century it was a major breakthrough in the field of law.

  4. I was searching for some lawyer to write about for a long time. But then I read a biography of Elizabeth Edwards and her story touched my heart. Her life was not easy. She went through a lot of tragedies, but she continued to be a good professional, loving and caring mother and wife until the end of her life.
    Elizabeth Edwards was born on July 3, 1949, in Jacksonville, Florida. She graduated from UNC Law School in May 1977 and married John Edwards the same year. Elizabe clerked with U.S. District Court Judge Calvitt Clarke, In 1978 she became an associate at the law firm of Harwell Barr Martin & Sloan, In 1981 she worked for the Attorney General's office and then at the law firm Merriman, Nicholls, and Crampton as a bankruptcy lawyer.
    Elizabeth and John Edwards had five children. But the family was rocked by tragedy in April 1996, when their first son Wade was in a fatal car accident. After Wade's death, Elizabeth retired from her legal practice and devoted herself to the full-time administration of the Wade Edwards Foundation (her husband was a politician and she was considered one of his closest advisors). After her husband lost the nomination to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, Elizabeth decided to serve as an advisor to Obama. Her husband also endorsed Obama during the later stages of the primary season.
    Elizabeth passed away on December 7, 2010, after a long battle with breast cancer. She died surrounded by family and friends. In her final words, she said that "in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that, I am grateful."
    I admire Elizabeth for many reasons. As I have already said, she was a good professional, mother and wife at the same time. It is extremely difficult for women to combine all this things, especially being a lawyer. Every women have to choose between career and family, but Elizabeth didn’t choose. She was not afraid to have five children and she was able raise them and give them all her love and care, building a career at the same time. She was devoted to her profession, even when she knew that she had a breast cancer she kept on working hard.
    Earlier I thought that it`s impossible to build a professional career and a big family at the same time and pay attention to both of these things. But now I see, that it`s possible and I`ll try to do the same.

  5. Cesare Beccaria was born in Milan on March 15, 1738. Beccaria received his early education in the Jesuit college at Parma. Subsequently he graduated in law from the University of Pavia in 1758.
    In 1764 Beccaria published a brief but justly celebrated treatise On Crimes and Punishments, which marked the high point of the Milan Enlightenment. In it, Beccaria put forth some of the first modern arguments against the death penalty. His treatise was also the first full work of penology, advocating reform of the criminal law system. The book was the first full-scale work to tackle criminal reform and to suggest that criminal justice should conform to rational principles. It is a less theoretical work than the writings of Hugo Grotius, Samuel von Pufendorf and other comparable thinkers, and as much a work of advocacy as of theory. In this essay, Beccaria reflected the convictions of the Il Caffè group, who sought to cause reform through Enlightenment discourse.
    His treatise is very important for modern legal system, it become a foundation for law. I love criminal law, so this famous lawyer become an idol for me. He analyzed law system of past and it is very important for me, since for ideal researching of modern criminology this information is base.
    This scientist already influenced the my outlook on the future trade: I realized that my calling is criminology and I can study it in my free time.

  6. Это работа Марценюк Насти. Она не может вспомнить свой пароль от аккаунта, поэтому я скинула ее сочинение

    One of the brightest and most distinguished jurists of the world is Joe Jemel . He 85 years old, he was born and still lives in Houston , Texas. Jemel’s financial status Forbes estimate at $ 1.5 billion , it’s the 833rd position in the list.
    Jemel - known and honest lawyer . He is often referred to as a lawyer "as of the law " or "king of torts cases ." Once he refused in a very large-scale affairs of the British oil company BP . "I'm too busy, do not want contact with it " - that was the explanation.
    Joe is also known for its aggressive behavior during court cases . The Supreme Court of the State of Delaware held the caller even demeanor Jemel in a special supplement of the meeting.
    Joe Jemel while already won two monuments in life, which have been erected on the site of his alma mater, the University of Texas . Also named for him at the Texas Department of Law , several classrooms , a soccer field and swimming pool . But all these honors are addressed not only to one of the best graduates, but also a generous philanthropist .
    In my further juristic practice I will apply the basic Jemel’s principles of jurisprudence. It's honesty, the "true" knowledge , independence of money and the politic situation , the emotional support of each case.

  7. Speaking honestly I even don't want to search well-known lawyers. Why? Because my heart belongs to Abraham Lincoln. Yep I khow it is too mainsteam, but he is gorgeous.
    What I can tell you about him? Born in Kentucky to a family of uneducated farmers, Lincoln left his humble upbringings to travel to New Salem, Illinois where he worked a variety of odd jobs all while teaching himself the inner-workings of law. When he was finally granted the right to practice as an attorney, he got to work immediately and quickly became one of Illinois’ most formidable lawyers. During his tenure as a lawyer, he tackled any kind of case imaginable- including trials for medical malpractice, corporate misconduct, murder, slander, fraud and many more.
    I guess it impressed. Actually I can speak about him much longer, but we all know him and his merit.
    So how his work influence on me? I am impressed about what he has done since his career started. When I heard about Lincoln I became so motivated to start my own career. Moreover I don't care how much I have to learn and how long I have to work. Sometime I will change the world;)

  8. I dont want speak about my famous lawyer, but i want speak about the loudest trial in the world. I want to tell about a cup of coffee and McDonald's. The case with spilled coffee at McDonald's is unlikely to fall in the textbooks, but is the most famous trial in the world.
    She wrote Mtsdonalds, or making a financial claim, politely asked them to lower the temperature of coffee.
    McDonald's wrote back and offered her $ 800, less than half of what her family appreciated that it was due to medical expenses out of their pocket.
    The jury awarded Stella $ 200,000 in compensation for her medical expenses and disability but both sides have filed complaints.
    Finally, the parties reached an agreement. The sum of the agreement remain confidential.
    It is said that Stella was going through the rest of her life in pain and disfigurement with probably a few hundred thousand dollars to compensate her for many years of recovery and lost wages daughter. Some argue that it has not received and that.

  9. Hugo Grotius: lawyer legend
    The greatest lawyer in the history of international law and the founder of born 10 April 1583 in a noble family. At age 11, he entered the University of Leiden, 5 years later received a degree and began the practice of law. In 18 years - became the official historian of the Dutch state. Devoted several religious tracts disputes. Thanks to the broad political and diplomatic ties, Hugo Grotius understood complicated inter-state relations, which led to constant conflicts in Europe. In his writings, Grotius first began developing the basis and principles of international law. Hugo Grotius created the modern synthesis of theories that were "new" natural law. He first tried to take it out of the sphere of theological speculation and send to the political and social sphere.
    In the global context of Grotius appears almost the founder of pacifism. However, most of the time, and his innovations forever changed the history of law, and with it the life and status of western man.
    Grotius was one of the greatest lawyers of his time. I can not say exactly how his personality can affect my future life and profession. But it was very interesting to learn about this great lawer.
    Commands respect from an early age he began his practice. Grotius brought a lot of new things in the practice of law, and all the world, so love his work can only be a great man. Personality Grotius great example of how to strive for their goals. We will be able to achieve success in their professional activities only when we can fall in like with his job.

  10. To write a review about the impact on the formation of my law degree, I have chosen the life and work of the lawyer and journalist as Star Jones. She is a lawyer and television personality best known for co-hosting ABC's The View from 1997 until 2006. I was interested to read the biography of this person because she is not only a well-educated woman and very strong in understanding of the law. But Star is also talented person because she is a journalist and works as a commentator and host on numerous television shows.
    And what about the reason why activities of Star is close to me. Precisely the combination of her work as a lawyer and as a journalist have attracted me to the Star. When I had to choice my future profession, I have just chosen between these two directions. That's why I went studying to be a lawyer, but I want to learn how to combine jurisprudence with the journalism. It would be quite professionally to be in demand not only in the provision of legal help but also as a journalist. It would give an opportunity to not only be claimed in jurisprudence but also have an impact on the public and have a relationship with people through the work of the journalist.
    That is why Star’s activity is important enough. Her works influenced and impressed on me and forced to work by myself using the example of Star’s life.

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  12. I want to tell you about a lawyer who showed me that the law can succumb to everyone. Perhaps now it is not the most famous in the world, and some had not even heard of him. He works in the Sevastopol Institute of Banking. His name is Anatoly Cherniavskyi. His biography can not speak. He, like all well-known lawyers, has a law degree. His subdued international law. Today, he is a great expert in this field. I met him a year ago. When I have some questions, I go to him for advice. One day he told me that he heard me lawer vein, said that I had everything out, if I do not give up. And I will not give up. Perhaps it is his merit. Thanks to him, I gained confidence in myself, my goal was for me to understand. I'm sure that soon everyone will hear of him as a well-known lawyer, but I will always know him as the man who proved to me that I'm worth something in this world

  13. The theme of the essay is very close to me. Namely because of this famous person I decided to become a lawyer. The first time I heard about him during the lesson oratorical arts in my school. My teacher told about the lawyer, who had never lost any court case. It was Anatoly Koni (1844-1927) - Russian lawyer, judge, and a public figure, writer, forensic orator. And then I first thought about becoming a lawyer, dreamed of unresolved court cases, speeches in court ...
    Of course, during this time the law has changed, but the essence of my future profession remains the same. Like Anatoly Koni, I want always find an unusual approach to situations, see the world not as others, think extraordinary. He possessed the qualities that should have any lawyer. During his life he wrote numerous works that help me to develop the makings of a great lawyer.
    I hope my dream will come true and I will be a follower of Koni.

  14. Searching for some information about life and work experience of famous lawyers, scientists, politicians, judges and others I have chosen Francis Bacon.
    Statesman and philosopher Francis Bacon was born in London on January 22, 1561. He completed his course of study at Trinity in December 1575, when he was 13 years old.
    Has been injured by destiny, Francis Bacon was scrambling to find a means of earning a decent living. In 1581, he landed a job as a member for Cornwall in the House of Commons.
    I'm really deeply impressed by activity of Francis Bacon. He strove to create a new outline for the sciences, with a focus on empirical scientific methods. In 1620, when Bacon published Book One, he established himself as a reputable philosopher of science.
    During his bright and at the same time difficult life, Bacon wrote a lot of scientific books and works. While he was counsel and statesman, Bacon often wrote for the court. I'm also amazed by the fact, when he had been accused of accepting bribes and impeached by Parliament for corruption, he found forces to work further. It means that he did not give up! I think that it's a good example for all of us.
    As for me, I really like his important work, which he made for the good of society. Moreover, his theories began to have a major influence on the evolving field of 17th-century European science.

  15. “I am not opposed to all wars. I'm opposed to dumb wars.”

    – Barack Obama
    My favourite lawyer is Barack H. Obama, the 44th President of the United States
    His story is the American story — values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family, hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others.
    He is respected even for graduating from Harvard Law School, where he was elected the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review.
    I guess, Obama is the most influential public figure in the world now. He is frequently referred to as an exceptional orator. In December 2008, Time magazine named Obama as its Person of the Year for his historic candidacy and election, which it described as "the steady march of seemingly impossible accomplishments". He was again named Person of the Year in 2012.
    I'm interested in international law, so I learnt some Obama's law practice. He has a big influence on me because of his ideas of extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.

  16. Dmitriy Barchev

    When I was a child I was surrounded by different lawyers. Moreover, almost all the members of my family are lawyers. For example my mom works at prosecutor's office for 5 years, and all this time I was very closely linked to law. All my friends had new phones and toys on for all New Years and I had the new editions of the Criminal Code.

    "So many men so many minds" - it means that many things will influence a teenager’s career decisions.
    I can, confidently, say that it was my mother, who influenced to my choice of future profession. When I studied at school, my mom came to me and led to her work. I made my homework and after that, surely, all my free time I looked at her, how she work. I could not understand how she so easy found the information in the "mountain" on her table.

    So how her work influence on me? I am impressed about what her has done since her career started. Her works influenced and impressed on me and forced to work by myself and pushed me to linked my future profession with law.

  17. If we talk about the influence of prominent lawyers to my world , I want to tell you about Anatoly Kony - eminent jurist and statesman .
    First of all I would like to say that Kony in 1865 graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law of the University of Moscow .
    At the peak of his legal career, he served as prosecutor of the St. Petersburg District Court , where he led the investigation of complex , complicated cases , the prosecutor acted on the most important cases. Since 1875, Anatoly Kony was appointed vice- director of the department of the Ministry of Justice. And in 1877 he was appointed chairman of the St. Petersburg District Court . In the same year he was elected to Coney capital honorable justices of the peace , and in 1878 an honorary judge of the St. Petersburg and Peterhof counties .
    In 1885 Kony was appointed chief prosecutor Criminal Cassation Department of the Government of the Senate.
    In 1878 a jury chaired by Kony acquitted in the Zasulich case. He also led the investigation of many criminal cases , for example, the case of the collapse of the imperial train , the death in the summer of 1894 the steamer "Vladimir" and others.
    Anatoly Kony is the author of numerous works , memoirs : "On the path of life ", "Court of speech ," " Fathers and Sons judicial reform."
    Studying the biography of Anatoly Kony I felt proud of our state. Such people inspire fruitful work in the future.

    Globina Ksenia Pr-22

  18. This ideologue absolutism reflected in his works the process of completing the centralization of the nation state.
    The idea of the state and law J. Boden (1530-1596) set out in the " Method of easy of studying history" and "six books of the state," where dissociated himself from religious and scholastic thinking, denied the previous interpretation of Roman law as the common law and the proposed study the government and Law on the basis of summarizing of the facts on basis of the national systems of positive law.
    The state, according to the doctrine Boden arises independently of the will of God or people under the influence of the environment (climate, soil and under.) Its development reflects and analyzes the science of history. That is why the history of different nations is the best introduction to the study of law and politics.
    Thinker distinguished right and law. If the task of the law - to prevent the degeneration of the royal monarchy into tyranny, the right is an expression of the mind, which covers the rules and principles that define good and true in the state.
    Rational principle incarnates in God and the natural law, international law and the basic laws of a country that reproduce its historical development. Positive law, which establishes the sovereign power, the legislation must not contradict this law.
    Boden did not expressly characteristics of smart law, but some aspects disclosed in connection with the criticism of the draft of the ideal state of Plato. According to the Boden’s doctrine, the state is arranged by God to give the State fact that is public, and to each what is his personal property.

    Katya Didus, PR-22

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  20. My favourite lawyer is Pavel Astahov Astakhov began practising law in 1991. In 1994 he became a member of the Moscow Bar and set up his own law firm, which has been known since 2003 as "Pavel Astakhov Lawyers Board". Astakhov represented some of Russia’s most high profile public figures, including Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, the descendants of the Romanov dynasty, several Russian pop-stars and others. I remember one fact abot Astahov. In December 2003, Pavel Astakhov sent a letter to the US Embassy in Moscow, advising President George W. Bush and Ambassador Alexander Vershbow that he would like to represent Saddam Hussein. Asked by a reporter whether he was prepared to defend Saddam Hussein free of charge, Astakhov replied: "I do not think that the former president of Iraq will agree to accept free legal aid". Saddam Hussein, however, did not have a chance to use Astakhov's services. Astahov is first person in Russia in lawyer sphere. He speaks English, Swedish, Spanish and French as well as Russian. So we can say that Pavel is one of the best lawyers in Russia and the world, that is what I love him.
