суббота, 11 декабря 2010 г.

The Old Man And The Sea part 2

7 комментариев:

  1. I don't know why but i don't realy like films like that...
    And what about Santiago, I think he very strong not just like "strength" I mean his "spirit" and his "heart".
    I think we all must never give up!

    K.N. 312 gr.

  2. I don't agree with Nikolay, I liked this minifilm very much. As for me,the video is so good, so exciting. There is a great moral in it. By the example of Santiago we can see the human's strength of will and self-belief. I watched this video at the first time and now I have a great wish to watch it's full film version.

    Thank you very much for such interesting, creative and useful teaching of English language!

    Your student Emirova F. 312 group.

  3. I believe that the main themes of the novella are being human, making dreams come true. We can see that Santiago's will to become a winner in the fight with nature was significant for him. It was kind of a bet with himself, a bet that he would do it. And he did it. Not the way he wanted, yet he did.

    As for the short film, I don't like it. First, it was an unpleasant surprise to see in the old man's room a box with the line "не кантовать" on it (facepalm). Second, you see, I'm not fond of the novella itself, but comparing with this video the story is a real mastepiece. Hemingway's work is really profound. It's full of thoughts and feelings and has a great deal of details, that matter. And here we see just a failed attempt of filming done by some vain Russian.
    The only thing I really found good and worthy is the way it's animated (rather unusual).

    Kravchenko, 311

  4. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  5. I reckon that the main themes of the novella are human heroism, man's struggle against his weaknesses and the price of final realization of certain intentions.

    There is no way to compare the book and the cartoon. Hereby I can only add that I really go for Hemingway's book.

    Yana Antonova, 311

  6. I read this story when I was learning in the school. I really liked this story because there describes a real human strength,not only physical power,but also the strength of the spirit. The old man is the example of human nature and he had a dream and he achieved his ame,despite of being alone in the sea and not having anyting to eat except salt water and raw fish. And he was a perfect example to follow.
    Alena S. 311

  7. I read this novella in the 9th grade. I think this story is very interesting and has the moral plot which is actual even nowadays. Because it shows that human should be strong not only physically, but also spiritually. The character of old man tell us about covert strenght of spirit which is inside all of us. I think, that this story teach us to follow our dreams and never stop no matter it costs.
    Kirill Dudnikov 311.
